Children and Teen’s Ability to Detect Emotions in Others – How it Happens and Why it Matters Taking children to therapy: Why do therapists often want parents involved? The Emotional and Mental Health Challenges of Parenthood What does science tell us about psychological treatments for children with challenging behaviours? Therapy, self-help or online therapeutic programs for children with mental, emotional or social health challenges: What happens outside the session/program is what matters most ‘Defusion and Acceptance’ Ideas to Help Children with Upsetting Thoughts and Beliefs Busier Brains: Helping Kids with Emotional Health Challenges Feel Better by “Doing Enough” “Exposure” for Children with Anxiety Symptoms (Helping Children Act in Brave Ways) Parental Warmth and Responsiveness for Children with Emotional Health Challenges Attention and Concentration Challenges in Children Helping Children Use Eye Contact: Does It Really Matter? And How to Talk About It Without Nagging Understanding (All) The Reasons Children Act In Challenging Ways 12 practical steps to support children and young people who have experienced grief and loss Answering children’s questions about Coronavirus More science of sleep in childhood and adolescence: a handful of new (or new-ish) studies and reports Managing device/tech use in children with emotional and behavioural challenges (reducing the meltdowns when screens and devices are turned off) 12 Facts to Tell Your Child/Teen About Sleep “I can’t do it!” 5 things to do or say when your child or teen lacks confidence in their ability to complete homework How much time should my 10 year old spend on technology? 6 ideas for “less parent yelling”, but why we don’t need to panic In Defence Of Helicopter Parenting Conversations with Kids about “Stranger Danger” Giving children reasons for our requests: examples and ideas for how to do this in a way which is helpful Biting nails and picking noses…bad habits in kids 8 Skills to help Children manage conflict with siblings Ideas and Activity Sheet for Children Worried about or Affected by Bushfires “I’m an idiot” and “I’m so stupid”: Helping young people to use self compassion to manage self criticism (I feel.. letter) “I’m fine!”: Kids who can’t/won’t tell us how they feel When Your Child is Different: Dealing With Your Child’s Disability or Disorder Calm down and take a deep breath! Getting children to relax their body: does it really help for children/teens when they are upset? Friendly Conversations I Can’t Stop It! Tics and Twitches in Children and Teens Helping Children Through the Emotional and Social Challenges of Primary School “I can’t do it!” 5 things to do or say when your child or teen lacks confidence about their ability to complete homework Worried about Kids and Youtube? Four questions to ask Three reasons we find it hard to set and monitor rules 17 learning question options for kids who love gaming Upset/angry/sad kids? Three words parents/carers need to say to themselves Setting Chores for Challenging Kids – the important detail which gets overlooked My child got in trouble at school today…4 mistakes to avoid One often overlooked idea for helping children calm down More about chores – 7 mistakes we can make Not just angry: the 4 emotions which prompt us to punish Feeling resentful towards your child: 4 things to know 5 ideas for getting kids to take gaming breaks They don’t want to talk about it! 3 things to know and 5 tricks to try When Children say “I wish I was dead!” Important principles of helping anxious/stress children Teaching children the words they need to succeed Four amazing life lessons children learn from tough times Preteens – where did my happy child go?
Therapy, self-help or online therapeutic programs for children with mental, emotional or social health challenges: What happens outside the session/program is what matters most
More science of sleep in childhood and adolescence: a handful of new (or new-ish) studies and reports
Managing device/tech use in children with emotional and behavioural challenges (reducing the meltdowns when screens and devices are turned off)
“I can’t do it!” 5 things to do or say when your child or teen lacks confidence in their ability to complete homework
Giving children reasons for our requests: examples and ideas for how to do this in a way which is helpful
“I’m an idiot” and “I’m so stupid”: Helping young people to use self compassion to manage self criticism
Calm down and take a deep breath! Getting children to relax their body: does it really help for children/teens when they are upset?
“I can’t do it!” 5 things to do or say when your child or teen lacks confidence about their ability to complete homework