There are a few important things you need to know about Calm Kid Central before you agree to log in: 1. We provide education, training, ideas, supervision and encouragement via our videos and forum pages - not individualised psychological therapy or medical advice. We don't know exactly what is happening with your children (or the children you work with), and haven't done a comprehensive psychological assessment of them. This means we are not actually providing individualised therapy or counselling services in this forum. If you think a child needs one on one psychological therapy or medical advice please understand that this site will not provide it. Go to your doctor or a psychologist in your neighbourhood. 2. Please don't come here if you have an immediate concerns about a child's (or anyone's) safety. We are not online 24/7. Please don't rely on us to help if you feel your/any child is in any danger or needs urgent medical care. Do the sensible stuff like ring 000, ring mental health services (131465), go to the nearest accident and emergency section of a local hospital. 3. We are mandated reporters of child abuse. As child psychologists we have an obligation to keep children safe. If we receive information about a child being abused or being in significant danger - we need to let the authorities know. This is true both in our clinics and here at Calm Kid Central. 4. Where is your data stored? We keep a record of your name and payment details in case we need to contact you but will not share this information with any other party other than in the case of a clinical emergency. We use the information you provide in questionnaires at the beginning of this program and 4 months into the program (if you are still a member) and "pool" it together with all other members data so we can see whether CKC is helpful for you. This data will be used in research papers but your personal information is anonymous and only "averaged" information is used. 5. How will we contact you? We will send you a weekly email with the latest information and resources on the site. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time - and still be a member. You can also cancel your membership at any time with a "two click" process on your dashboard. If you have any trouble cancelling, you can ask us anytime. 6. This parent/carer membership is for parent/carer use only. When you click accept below you confirm that you are a parent/guardian and using these videos and resources in a home setting with your own children only (Please note if you are a professional working with children - eg teachers, school counsellors, youth workers, psychologist etc - please sign up at our professional membership page. If you are happy with all of this, go ahead and click accept. Of course if you would rather not, then that's completely fine- just close this window - and perhaps let us know your concerns.There are a few important things you need to know about Calm Kid Central before you agree to log in: 1. We provide education, training, ideas, brief consultation, and encouragement via our videos and forum pages - but because we have not conducted an assessment of the children you work with - our ideas and support should not be considered to be individualised psychological therapy, formal or lengthy supervision, or specific medical or psychological advice. If you think a child needs one on one psychological therapy or medical advice please understand that this site cannot provide it. In this case, it is best to consult with a medical or psychological specialist in your area. 2. Please don't come here if you have an immediate concerns about a child's (or anyone's) safety. We are not online 24/7. It is important to not rely on us to help if you feel any child is in danger or needs urgent medical care. Do the sensible stuff we know you know - like ring 000, ring mental health services (131465), go to the nearest accident and emergency section of a local hospital. 3. We are mandated reporters of child abuse. As child psychologists we have an obligation to keep children safe. If we receive information about a child being abused or being in significant danger - we need to let the authorities know. This is true both in our clinics and here at Calm Kid Central. 4. Where is your data stored? We keep a record of your name and payment details in case we need to contact you but will not share this information with any other party other than in the case of a clinical emergency. * I hereby accept these terms and would like to finish checking out I’m not comfortable with these terms. Please cancel my checkout.