Imagine you have been unwell for several months – intermittent, low level but unpleasant symptoms – stomach pain, headaches and dizziness. A GP can’t find anything wrong with you and so you try diet changes, vitamins and getting more sleep – none of which...
In the last few weeks I’ve presented at a number of school “acquaintance” and “orientation” nights to parents of primary and secondary students – and one of the topics I cover in these seminars is sleep: how much children and teens need and how we support them to get...
Take a moment to remember a time in the last few days in which you felt stressed, frustrated or worried. Reflect for a moment on your body in that moment. Your heart rate had sped up a little, you were breathing a little quicker, your body temperature rose slightly...
12 year old Tyler* and his mum came to visit us concerned about something they called his “twitch”. To show me what they were talking about, they bought along an iphone video of Tyler playing his xbox while this twitch was happening. Basically Tyler’s “twitch”...
One of our jobs as professionals is to help young people express their negative emotions clearly and respectfully – to us, and to others. This isn’t easy. Many children and teens find it hard to tell us how they feel when they are upset, angry, worried or...
“AAARRRRKKGGGH” This was (roughly speaking – I may have got the spelling wrong) the word *Josh yelled when a leaf blower was used outside our office in a session last month. At the same time, he put his hands over his ears and ran to the corner. Josh hates loud...