Imagine that every day you received a hundred instructions to follow, most of which you didn’t understand the rationale, relevancy or reason for. All day you listened to people saying things to you such as: Do NOT put red items on a wooden table. NEVER speak while...
Biting nails, picking noses, chewing clothes, licking lips, sucking pony tails…there are many little “habits” that children have which drive us crazy. Usually these actions feel good for the child – they like the feeling, or it provides them...
“I’m fine!” Do you hear this phrase a lot from your kids/teens – even when you suspect your child/teen is *not* actually “fine” at all? How about when you ask your young person: “What’s the matter?” and they say...
Take a moment to remember a time in the last few days in which you felt stressed, frustrated or worried. Reflect for a moment on your body in that moment. Your heart rate had sped up a little, you were breathing a little quicker, your body temperature rose slightly...
12 year old Tyler* and his mum came to visit us concerned about something they called his “twitch”. To show me what they were talking about, they bought along an iphone video of Tyler playing his xbox while this twitch was happening. Basically Tyler’s “twitch”...
UK based research group Child Wise conducted research last year showed that children are watching an average of 3 hours a day watching youtube videos. Most commonly, they are watching music videos, gaming videos, “funny” real life content, videos showing pets and...